
Showing posts from November, 2008

My trip to New York 2008

When we landed in Long Beach on Nov.15th all hell had breaking loose. Fires surrounded us, it was snowing (ashes), and the workers on the tarmac had face masks. And my first thought was: Can we go back? On Nov. 11th 2008 me and two of my closest friends " Hopped Jet Blue " and flew 5 hours to New York. Months of talking, planning, searching, finding deals, buying tickets, and waiting finally came to an end when we landed at JFK. As we walked outside there was no doubt we were in New York. No it wasn't the cold or the skyline. It was because an airport cop and a person in a car were yelling at each other. Ahhh, New York. As we unpacked our stuff at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (I know! Were moving on up!) we talked about what to do that night. You can probably all guess that food was number one on our list. So we headed to Virgil's Real BBQ on Times squared and grubbed. We then found an Irish pub (O'Lunney's) and made friends with the bartender there, Kevin (or bet...

Review of In The Heights

When you buy a CD off of one song, invite two friends to New York specifically to see a musical, book a 5 hour flight, and buy tickets a month in advance I think it's safe to say that high expectations for In The Heights were in order. So on Tuesday Nov. 11 2008 me and two of my closest friends hop onto Jet Blue in Long Beach headed towards New York for our date with In The Heights. In The Heights follows a predominately latino barrio for a few days in the Washington Hieghts district of New York. It's the story of Usnavi who is looking to go back to his roots in the Dominican Republic while also taking care of both his Bodega and his younger cousin Sonny. Usnavi is also in love with Vanessa but doesn't quite know how to tell her. The story also follows Vannessa (she wants to leave the Barrio), Benny (has high hopes of owning his own business and winning the heart of Nina), Nina (returning from failed stint at Stanford after being one of the few to get out of the Barrio), Ke...

You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you

A couple of days ago I was putting gas in my car when I heard someone say "Excuse me sir, can you help me?". I turned around and saw an elderly lady holding a gas pump in one hand and a look of embarrasment on her face. She proceeded to ask me if I could help her put gas in her car. I said of course I would. We talked about how wierd the weather has been lately. about how her son usually puts gas in her car but he was on vacation and she forgot to remind him. We talked about how she has lived in Cerritos her whole life and how many changes she has seen the city go through. We talked about a lot of things. And when the pump clicked signfying that the tank was full I put the pump back and put on her gas cap and she said 'thank you', I felt good. You should try and get the feeling I had that day by doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you (John Wooden quote BTW). Its a great feeling and Im still riding the high of it today.

Barack Obama wins!!!

I am right now watching Barack give his speech. I am almost brought to tears. I am not going to lie. This is simply amazing. The first non-white American President. This is something for all of us minorities to appreciate and reveal in. History. Wow. Barack just finished. What a speech. This is a moment I will never forget. This is a new beginning for us here in the states. A new beginning of hope. I don't know what will happen in the next 4 years but I feel good about them. I look forward to them. I hope you do too. Its now time to set aside party politics. Let's rebuild this nation to where it belongs. We have fallen but we can climb back. This is the time to do it. A moment that cannot be lost. This is one Latino that is proud to say that I voted for Barack Obama.

Tomorrow is making me nervous

I'm not one to usually get nervous or anxious over anything. But tomorrow has got me all worked up. I will be voting for Barack Obama. And he better win. Otherwise I might have a broken T.V. tomorrow night. I am really anxious about tomorrow's election. It's not so much that flip flopper McCain or crazy Palin scares me. Ok, she does. Its the fact that they don't seem to bring something that Barack brings. Hope. Hope that things will change. Hope that our government will not try to control us by using fear. Hope that the rest of the world may soon see us as we used to be seen. Hope that after 1-20-09 a new day will be upon us that will put us as a nation on the right track again. Hope is something that has been missing. Change is something we need. Obama is the one who can deliver.

Do they know how lucky they are?

I often find myself asking this question. Do they really know? 'Who' might know what you may ask. Well, do fathers know how lucky they are to be holding, carrying, playing with, vacationing with, talking to, and everything else they do with their daughters? Everytime I see a father and daughter together I wish I could be in their shoes. I tend to see it a lot of it because of where I work and I hope they really truely appreciate the gift they have been given. All that I ask is that you fathers don't get jealous when you see me with my son...