My trip to New York 2008
When we landed in Long Beach on Nov.15th all hell had breaking loose. Fires surrounded us, it was snowing (ashes), and the workers on the tarmac had face masks. And my first thought was: Can we go back? On Nov. 11th 2008 me and two of my closest friends " Hopped Jet Blue " and flew 5 hours to New York. Months of talking, planning, searching, finding deals, buying tickets, and waiting finally came to an end when we landed at JFK. As we walked outside there was no doubt we were in New York. No it wasn't the cold or the skyline. It was because an airport cop and a person in a car were yelling at each other. Ahhh, New York. As we unpacked our stuff at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (I know! Were moving on up!) we talked about what to do that night. You can probably all guess that food was number one on our list. So we headed to Virgil's Real BBQ on Times squared and grubbed. We then found an Irish pub (O'Lunney's) and made friends with the bartender there, Kevin (or bet...