Last Night was a Rough One

Teamwork, patience, and love. Three of the many characteristics parents need. And did we need them last night.

Yesterday Noah got his 6 month vaccination shots along with a flu shot. Needless to say the act of getting the shots was not easy (on any of us) but he recovered quickly and was smiling within a couple of minutes.

We headed home with a sleeping baby and we were hoping for the best. Unfortunately that didn't happen.

Parents know that some nights are better than others. And overall we have been blessed with a well tempered baby. But last night was the first time we were up all night. Poor Noah was not having it. A slight fever and his legs where he got his shots were hurting. This combination conspired agaisn't us, keeping the three of us awake throughout the night. I would dare say we got a total of 2-3 hours of sleep. Throw in an unhappy crying baby and you have a cocktail of potential disaster. But I think we did a bang up job of handling it.

We both took turns trying to console him. We both understood that he wasn't doing this on purpose. We both knew that this is what parents do. Suck it up for your kid, have patience, and help your partner whenever possible.

I'm very proud of my wife, she was a great mom last night. I would like to think that I was a great partner and dad also. But most importantly, in some way, Noah knows that we were there for him when he needed us. And that makes last night a win in my book.


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