Insanity workout is, well, insane

So I started doing the Insanity DVD's and they really are no joke. 2 signs that these DVD's are for real: 1. during the warm up you get tired and 2. The people, who look like they are in incredible shape, in the DVD are dying and sometimes are just laid out on the floor at the end.

I have only done the first 3 DVD's so far but I am working hard to keep up with it. It definitely works you out and I am sore as heck as I'm typing this right now. But at the same time it makes you feel good and feel alive. I can't wait to finish the program and see the results.



Coach Renee said…
Hi there! Way to go on starting Insanity. I have done a round of it and it works like crazy! I am now using it as a supplement with P90X, also from Beachbody. I can't wait to read about your progress! Nice job! If you want to read some additional reviews and results from others, you can find that from my website if you want. I am also a Beachbody Coach if you have questions about anything or need some extra motivation! Love to help, at no cost to you!

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