The Princess Bride

True Love - The Princess Bride way

Check this out, it's from the book version of the Princess Bride, "An interview with Buttercup":

"That's the thing about love. It's not always pretty. It's not always polite and noble and selfless. Sometimes it's ugly and jealous and resentful. Sometimes it's scary and hurtful. Nobody's perfect, you know.
There are times I've wanted more than anything NOT to love him. But you see, it was never my choice. Love is like that. At least, TRUE LOVE is. And when you come right down to it, what's the point of any other kind?
True love is when you not only love the other person for who they are, with all their flaws and imperfections, and all their virtues too, but for who they can be at their absolute best, and you're willing to do everything, even die, to help them reach that absolute best. True love means taking the biggest risk of all: opening your heart to a fellow human being, a creature as fallible as you know yourself to be, knowing that there are no promises in life, no guarantees, and that the future will bring great sorrows as well as great joys.
Maybe for you it will be the way you feel when a certain someone looks at you in a certain way. Or something in the sound of her voice. It could be anything. That's not important. What matters is what you do when it happens. Do you accept it and act on it, or do you ignore it, or try to deny it? Because true love isn't always convenient. Almost never, in fact. It comes at a bad time. Or with the wrong person. That's when you've got to find the courage to follow your heart, no matter what. Because the alternative is death. Living death, which is the worst kind. "


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