How My Children's Picture Book Was Saved

I love telling this story. It's the story of how my idea for a children's picture book was saved by a co-worker who decided to go trash digging. Let me explain:

A few years ago I came up with a story about a bird that was afraid of heights and thought I might be able to turn it into a children's picture book. I thought it was a good story but you never know how people will react. So I decided to give it to a few friends to read, including some friends at work.

After I received some positive feedback, thoughts started to creep in my head that maybe my friends were just being nice. I mean, what else would they say? It's rare to have someone tell you the complete honest truth. So after a co-worker of mine read the story one night I threw the copy of the manuscript in the trash can. At that point I wasn't sure if I wanted to pursue trying to get it published.

Now let's flash forward a couple days. I am back at work and I hear one of my co-workers named June (not the one who read the story previously) talking about a very cute story she found in the trash can. She continued to say that when she read the manuscript she couldn't believe that someone would throw away such a great story. So she took the papers home and kept them. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and then told June that I wrote the story.

It felt amazing to hear someone genuinely love the story, especially when they didn't know I wrote it. I felt like I had finally gotten the honest feedback I was waiting for. At that point I decided that I was going to go forward and try to get my book made.

And that's how "Tommy The Courageous Bird" was saved. Thanks to June I am now trying to self-publish the book. I

f you would like to help please click below and found out how you can help Tommy fly higher than ever before by giving to the kickstarter project.


Tommy The Courageous Bird Kickstarter Project Page


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